Telephones for the Blind

Providing telephones for the benefit of blind UK residents

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The Charity now pays £30 per quarter direct to BT for telephone line rentals for all our present clients.

In order to maintain this level of support and pay for mobile phones, our income should exceed £45,000 for the coming year.

Any donations in excess of this sum will help our blind clients in future years.

It must be remembered that our younger clients may still need our help in forty years’ time. Some of these are able to use a specially-adapted computer and the Internet. Thus trained, they may be able to find employment thanks to modern technology.

It is believed that the Fund has identified those clients in greatest need, and the present strategy is to concentrate on providing maximum financial help to them with this essential lifeline.

All our clients are registered-blind and on low income. The majority are elderly.


Please support our work.