Telephones for the Blind

Providing telephones for the benefit of blind UK residents

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The objectives of The Telephones for the Blind Fund are the relief of the blind by


providing access to telephones [*see below] for the benefit of the registered blind and visually impaired residents
raising funds for the above purposes.


*The policy of the TFTB is to make a contribution towards quarterly telephone rental costs and where a new telephone line installation is required, we pay 100% of the cost.

Alternatively we provide a free Mobile Phone [Doro PhoneEasy® 612], with no further costs to the TFTB.


The current criteria for eligibility are that the applicant must be: -

Registered Blind or Partially Sighted

  • Living alone, often alone, or living with a partner also handicapped by disability or age.
  • Living in own room in a Care Home.
  • Cannot be expected to afford a telephone from own or family resources.

Applications for grants must be submitted by a Support Worker, Social Worker or Rehabilitation Worker on the Charity’s Grant Application Form which requires endorsement by any of the above.

Decisions on eligibility are delegated to a sub-committee consisting of three Committee Members.

Day to day responsibility for payments for telephone rentals and installation is delegated to the Hon. Treasurer.

For rental costs, payments are made direct to BT for credit to the clients’ telephone accounts and for mobile phones, payment is made direct to mobile phone provider, thus ensuring that the grant is used for its correct purpose.