Telephones for the Blind

Providing telephones for the benefit of blind UK residents

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You can make a donation to Telephones for the Blind by:


justgivingJustGiving online donation.
Click here to make a direct donation

Sending a cheque/postal order/charity voucher payable to "Telephones for the Blind Fund " to:

Mr Daniel Brookbank
C/O 13 Arundel Close
Pevensey Bay
East Sussex BN24 6SF

Arranging a legacy

Gift Aid. If you pay income tax you can make your donation tax effective by enabling the charity to reclaim the basic rate tax from the Inland Revenue.

There is no extra cost to you – all you have to do is make a Gift Aid declaration.

This can be done by asking for a form to be sent to you when sending your donation or you can write the following on the back of your cheque:

Gift Aid

I would like TFTB to reclaim tax on this donation. I am a UK taxpayer. Sign, and write your full address.